Third Trimester, Screenings, Labs, Tests, and Vaccinations

There are several screenings, labs, tests, and/or vaccinations that may be recommended for your third trimester. Your healthcare team will work with you to schedule the ones needed for your pregnancy.

Group B strep culture
Group Beta Strep is a common bacteria found in the lower genital tract of women. As a group B strep carrier, you will not show any symptoms. A culture swab is obtained from the vagina and rectum at around 36 weeks to determine if it is present or not. If you are a carrier, you will be given antibiotics during labor to protect your baby from Group Beta Strep bacterial infection. At this time, your provider may check your cervix.
HIV testing
All pregnant women in Illinois are required to receive this screening.
One-hour glucola
One-hour glucola – This screening test checks for gestational diabetes at 28 weeks, as the demands of pregnancy occasionally cause an imbalance between your body's sugar and insulin supplies.
Multidrug-resistant organisms (MRSA)
If you or a household member have tested positive for MRSA in the past, a culture (nasal or groin) must be obtained a month prior to delivery. If you are infected with MRSA, special precautions will be taken when you come to the hospital birthing unit.
Biophysical profile (BPP)
This optional screening evaluates your baby’s wellness by using ultrasound to evaluate movement, breathing, muscle tone, and the amount of amniotic fluid present.
Non-stress test
This test is done with a monitor placed on your abdomen to help detect and evaluate your baby's heart rate and any uterine contractions. This test lasts a minimum of 20 minutes.
This is a vaccine that guards against diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). This vaccine is also recommended for all people who will have regular interaction with your baby.
Flu vaccine
The flu vaccine is recommended if you didn’t receive it during your first trimester. It is available during flu season, but can be received at any time during your pregnancy.