Second Trimester, What to Expect

During your second trimester – 15 to 27 weeks – you will start to look pregnant. Undesirable symptoms like nausea and fatigue, common in the first trimester, may start to disappear. You may even feel like you have more energy and just feel better overall! Some of this is simply timing, and some may be your outlook.

Here is a quick look at what is happening to your body:

You may notice an increased appetite. If you are hungry, eat something! Just choose balanced, nutritious meals and opt for snacks that provide the nutrients your body needs. Fruit, yogurt, and vegetables are great things to grab between meals (see page 12).
Your baby bump is growing. You may need to start wearing bigger sizes or maternity clothing.
Even though you are "showing", you can move around easily - you do not feel uncomfortable or awkward.
You may feel the baby move - some people describe it as a "flutter". This is called quickening.
You may get stretch marks on your tummy, thighs, legs, breasts, or buttocks.
You may start having constipation problems. Make sure you drink eight to ten glasses of water each day. If you have continuing issues with having a bowel movement, talk to a member of your healthcare team – do NOT give yourself an enema (see page 11).
You may experience an occasional scary dream. This is normal, and likely due to fears you may be having about your pregnancy. Talk about the dream with someone – it may diminish some of your worries.
Your hands and feet may swell due to changing hormones and an increase in blood volume. This is completely normal, but if you notice it, rest and put your feet up occasionally.